“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.
If one falls down, his friend can help him up…..” Ecclesiastes 4:9
I love the way God works. He puts everything in it’s place and you don’t see that till you “arrive” at the final destination. Lily and I have been friends for a couple of years now. We would meet for lunches when we could break away from are busy schedules. We NEVER discussed a partnership till this past November, no really…never. Strange huh? Not really. That just shows how God will work in your life if you’re willing to give it to Him.
I had just rented a studio space in June and had no plans of sharing my business. Did I pray many times that I would have help? Yes! I prayed specifically to God for a Christian woman who not only shared my passion for photography, but also could be my best friend. In my heart that prayer was tucked away, and it seemed like it was a long shot. I was so tired of going at it alone, and I just didn’t know where Lens Flare would go if I didn’t change something. I even talked to Alex about shooting with me and he laughed! It was my calling to be a photographer and not his, but it seemed like a fun idea!
Lily and I are always very comfortable with one another. I can totally be myself and that is a rare thing. I don’t show every side of me to a lot of people. With Lily it has never been an issue and she has never tried to change me. She celebrates who I am and I do the same for her. This also helps because her husband Paddy is incredibly crazy and outgoing, so nothing I do shocks Lily. I can be pretty brash and she doesn’t blink an eye.lol Feels good to be yourself. She is also not afraid to speak up when she doesn’t like my ideas. I need that because I am used to everyone agreeing with me. We aren’t super cool peeps either. We antique, search out restaurant for great food, and Lily will declare at any moment that she loves craft paper! When I mean declare, she will smack the table and you should just agree or it could get hairy. We love burlap and a mish-mash of crazy things. We both have to stay away from Pinterest and we have two goats at the studio (long, funny story). Now, you know just about everything. If you still like us…then you should book us.
Lily and I have shot several weddings together and it’s like photo magic. We love it. We both feel at total ease when we shoot together and that’s helpful at high stress weddings. She fills in the blanks for me. She makes up for what I lack and I do the same for her. We are so excited for this journey together! We hope you feel the same.
Lens Flare Photography and Paddy and Lily Photography is no more, but we have lost nothing. We have gained so much and we would love for you to check out the new site Two Lights Photography. Now, if you are one of our regulars you probably have a bunch a questions. If you are my client and you book through the site, Lily won’t be showing up instead of me and vice versa. Same thing with Lily’s clients. If you book a session with Lily, you can rest assured that Lily will be taking your pictures. Some of you have been with us for years and we want to make sure you know we are as devoted to our “regulars” as we were when our businesses were separate. Now, I can’t guarantee that we won’t pop up to assist at each other’s shoots because we have so much fun together. We will be working on weddings together, seniors and some other shoots that require two people. We have a lot of awesome ideas brewing and we can’t wait to share this new adventure with you!
We would love to give a special shout out to Alex(my husband) for sharing me with Lily and supporting me my entire photography career. He is my rock and an amazing father as well. He will be behind the scenes with Paddy. For those Paddy fans out there!!! Whoop Whoop! Paddy has become the “art director” he helps set up and create amazing sets in the studio. Paddy could show up at anytime and bring the fabulous. Just be prepared to laugh. So, grab a cup of coffee, go “like” us on Facebook, and check out the new site!